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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Answered prayers for OUR benefit?

I've always heard that God will answer our prayers in whatever way that will be best for us. And I got to thinking, does God really answer our prayers for our benefit? We aren't living our lives for us, we're living our lives for Him. So shouldn't he answer our prayers for His benefit? Whatever we pray for, He answers according to His will, so that His will will be done. I know that God knows what's best for us, He knows everything. But if we were to ask, for instance, that we wouldn't get hit by a bus and die today, if God answered for our benefit, then He probably wouldn't let us get hit by a bus. But if He answered for His will, and maybe your death would bring many others to Him, then it would have to happen. And getting hit by a bus isn't very good for our health. Now I know that He might work in a different way if He knows that He can and deems it necessary, but it would still be answering it to further His will, not benefit us. If we are supposed to be willing to give it all to God, then we shouldn't worry about our prayers benefiting us as much as our prayers working to do God's will. Not that you shouldn't pray for certain things, like Him helping you on your test or helping you in the next basketball game. But I think that in everything you do, you should be thinking about how it can carry out God's plans, rather than your own. Mark 8:36 says "What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?" Saying that God does everything to help us just isn't true. Sure He offers us some luxuries: a nice house, some sweet shoes. But our life on this earth is for Him. We need to stop thinking about ourselves and start thinking about God and what we can do to please Him.