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Monday, June 15, 2009

Death Scenes...

I was watching a movie the other day and it had a very sad and moving death scene in it and it occurred to me that if a movie has a sad death scene, it makes it seem so much more real. The audience gets attached to the character and when they die, they feel like they've known them and it's like they have lost a friend of theirs. It seems like the movie grabs you even more when you actually see the character die. Watching them breathe their last breath. Some movies are so moving just because of death scenes. People win Academy Awards for dying in movies. At the end of the film "Saving Private Ryan", we see Tom Hanks slowly die as he tells his co-star, Matt Damon, that he needs to live his life to the fullest and earn the sacrifices that his friends made to save his life.That is one movie that can make any grown man cry. One of the saddest cowboy movies isn't actually a movie at all. "Lonesome Dove" was a TV mini series that was made in 1989.In that show, we see many men die. The characters' deaths grab hold of the audience and make them miss the character that essentially doesn't even exist. In the Oscar-winning film "The Untouchables", Sean Connery was shown covered in blood and gasping for air as he bled to death. Connery played a police officer named Jim Malone who gained the love of viewers immediately. As he died, we saw Eliot Ness's (Kevin Coster) pain in knowing that one of his best friends had just been killed. In a way, the audience felt as Ness did watching Malone die.They felt as if Malone had saved their lives countless times. I really don't know if it's a good or bad thing, but all movies seem to be made great by a good death scene.