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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Car Accident...

On the way home from dinner tonight, we were driving into our neighborhood and a car pulled out just about in front of us. My dad proceeded to drive past her (we had the right-of-way) when suddenly she sped into our side, just behind my seat. Our car slid to the side a little bit and we drove to the side of the road. After making sure everyone was okay, I got out of the car and expected to see a huge dint in the side. But to my surprise, the car was left only with a few scratches on the side and the hubcap was destroyed. As people drove by, their cars snapped the pieces of plastic. Even though everyone was okay and I knew it, I was still shaking. My kneecaps were all over the place. A car drove up behind us and a man stepped out and gave us his cellphone number just in case a witness was necessary. After thanking him, my mother was freezing cold. So I gave her my sweater, but then I was freezing. So we called a friend of ours to bring us a sweater for her. The woman who hit us was apparently checking on her child in the back seat when she pulled out. We made sure that she was okay and then the policeman arrived. We moved to the nearest parking lot where, little did I know, would be my home for the next hour. The woman and her baby were both under the weather. I felt bad to see the policeman give her the ticket and then for us to leave her, but I felt good to know that we hopefully made a good impression on her and that we maybe left something with her.
I thank God that the damage was as minor as it was. If the car had hit us just a little bit earlier, I could have been killed.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Medieval Times...

Well, my class had a field trip to Medieval Times on Friday, and we all had a great time. The food wasn't exactly fit for a king, or at least a hungry king, but it was still fun. The actors interacted with the audience a lot and most of them were really funny. We were in the section for the Red Knight. He was cool, until he was killed in the first round. When he fell, suddenly, it was like our section had lost its purpose...not really. It was fun to cheer for the other knights as well. The trip to Myrtle Beach wasn't near as fun as the trip back. I thought it would be opposite, because we would have nothing to look forward to on the way home, but that's the way it was. On the way back, everyone just talked while listening to their iPods. Our music was just quiet enough so that we could hear everyone else. My iPod was on Frank Sinatra, of course, and I had a great time. The windows were rolled down, everyone's hair was blowing in the wind, and our cardboard crowns that we received from the trip were flying all over the bus. I had to put mine under my hoodie to ensure its safety. When we saw the school, everyone was sad that our trip was over, but it was still the weekend. We still had two-and-a-half days of no school left.
Overall, I'd say that this was the best field trip that I have ever been on. As it should be, because we (along with many other classes) have been asking for this trip for years, but we got it.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Well, I got my permit in September 2008, so I've been driving for a little while. I'm pretty comfortable in the driver seat, whereas when I first started I was pretty nervous. I still make a few mistakes here and there, usually no more than one at a time. But anyway, most people have one parent that they like to have in the passenger seat more than the other. Mine is my dad. He is always more calm than my mom. Sometimes my mom acts like she is going to die whenever she gets in the car. Which I expected, I mean, that's just how the is sometimes, haha. I love her, but she really makes me nervous sometimes.
She's getting better and will keep getting better until I can drive backwards on the interstate, haha.
I love my mom and my dad both very much.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I saw it...

Well, I saw the movie.
It wasn't exactly how I pictured it would be, but I still enjoyed watching it. Because I have my own techniques for movie-making, my sister's interpretations were not eye-to-eye with mine. Not that she didn't do a good job, she did. It just wasn't how I would have done it. Which, once again, isn't bad at all. She'll probably read this and get mad at me, haha. But it was cool. She has her preferences and I have mine, which I'm glad of.
I'm happy with the movie and I'll enjoy watching it again with my friends. I know they'll get a kick out of it.
Good job, Catherine!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I finally get to see it...

Well, over spring break, which was like two or three weeks ago, my sister had a favor to ask of me. She wanted me to help her make a movie for her class. Well if you knew me, you'd know that I got really excited and jumped at the chance. Little did I know, she hadn't written a script or even the story yet. So after hours of talking and thinking, we had a good start. The movie is a takeoff of David's life (the Bible David). It is set in a modern time and has guns, chases, the whole shebang. Unfortunately, we had to work on it the same week that we got to go Myrtle Beach. My aunt let us borrow her timeshare, so we had a nice room. Being away from home, we had limited resources. So we had to work with what little we had and make it look good. Now I'm not going to lie, the movie gets a little cheesy at times. It had to have at least 28 minutes and that was pretty tough to do, having such little preparation. So we had to fill up some parts with some pretty cheesy stuff, but the rest of the movie is pretty cool and that outweighs the cheesiness. But we pulled it off, thank God. She took it to school and edited it with me at home pacing the floors like a soon-to-be father. I was very anxious to see the final work and I sent her music for it, I even made a DVD case for it. You probably noticed that all the actors have the same last name. Well, that's because my family members were the only actors, haha.
My sister will be coming home this weekend and I am so excited to see the final movie. When she gets home, we are going to work on the trailer for the movie and do the outtakes as well. I'm really looking forward to it and copies will be on sale this Friday...nah, just kidding. That would be sweet though.
The movie should play on TV sometime, but I'm not sure when or on what channel, not kidding about that.
I had a great time working on it, though it got tough at times. I love choosing camera angles and all that jazz. I hope to one day meet Steven Spielberg and give him a great big bear hug...

Just made my account.

Well, I'm new to this blog, but I look forward to filling it with all my thoughts.