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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I finally get to see it...

Well, over spring break, which was like two or three weeks ago, my sister had a favor to ask of me. She wanted me to help her make a movie for her class. Well if you knew me, you'd know that I got really excited and jumped at the chance. Little did I know, she hadn't written a script or even the story yet. So after hours of talking and thinking, we had a good start. The movie is a takeoff of David's life (the Bible David). It is set in a modern time and has guns, chases, the whole shebang. Unfortunately, we had to work on it the same week that we got to go Myrtle Beach. My aunt let us borrow her timeshare, so we had a nice room. Being away from home, we had limited resources. So we had to work with what little we had and make it look good. Now I'm not going to lie, the movie gets a little cheesy at times. It had to have at least 28 minutes and that was pretty tough to do, having such little preparation. So we had to fill up some parts with some pretty cheesy stuff, but the rest of the movie is pretty cool and that outweighs the cheesiness. But we pulled it off, thank God. She took it to school and edited it with me at home pacing the floors like a soon-to-be father. I was very anxious to see the final work and I sent her music for it, I even made a DVD case for it. You probably noticed that all the actors have the same last name. Well, that's because my family members were the only actors, haha.
My sister will be coming home this weekend and I am so excited to see the final movie. When she gets home, we are going to work on the trailer for the movie and do the outtakes as well. I'm really looking forward to it and copies will be on sale this Friday...nah, just kidding. That would be sweet though.
The movie should play on TV sometime, but I'm not sure when or on what channel, not kidding about that.
I had a great time working on it, though it got tough at times. I love choosing camera angles and all that jazz. I hope to one day meet Steven Spielberg and give him a great big bear hug...


Taylor said...

The movie NEEDS to be seen by the public! Or at least Faith Christian School's 10th grade class.