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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Car Accident...

On the way home from dinner tonight, we were driving into our neighborhood and a car pulled out just about in front of us. My dad proceeded to drive past her (we had the right-of-way) when suddenly she sped into our side, just behind my seat. Our car slid to the side a little bit and we drove to the side of the road. After making sure everyone was okay, I got out of the car and expected to see a huge dint in the side. But to my surprise, the car was left only with a few scratches on the side and the hubcap was destroyed. As people drove by, their cars snapped the pieces of plastic. Even though everyone was okay and I knew it, I was still shaking. My kneecaps were all over the place. A car drove up behind us and a man stepped out and gave us his cellphone number just in case a witness was necessary. After thanking him, my mother was freezing cold. So I gave her my sweater, but then I was freezing. So we called a friend of ours to bring us a sweater for her. The woman who hit us was apparently checking on her child in the back seat when she pulled out. We made sure that she was okay and then the policeman arrived. We moved to the nearest parking lot where, little did I know, would be my home for the next hour. The woman and her baby were both under the weather. I felt bad to see the policeman give her the ticket and then for us to leave her, but I felt good to know that we hopefully made a good impression on her and that we maybe left something with her.
I thank God that the damage was as minor as it was. If the car had hit us just a little bit earlier, I could have been killed.


Elizabeth's Thoughts said...

Praise the Lord!! Glad to hear that everything went okay for you guys!

Wanda said...

Wow! God is so wonderful and protective of His children!